This product has been discontinued by Viana TofuTown
This is the last of this batch! Get 'em while the last!
This product has a best-by date: 2/12/2024
Now shelf stable! No refrigeration required until the package is opened.
Viana Tofu Town - Smoked Vegan Frankfurters:
Vegan / vegetarian frankfurters made from premium plant based protein!
These plant-based franks are juicy, smoky, and filling. Certified organic and non-GMO. Made of non-gmo, organic tofu, wheat protein and spices. Heat in a skillet, boil, microwave, or on the grill. A delicious vegan frankfurter ready to eat in minutes!
products are manufactured in Germany and imported for your enjoyment.
NOTE: Expiration date on this products is formatted DD.MM.YYYY
Each 9.7 oz. package contains 5 plant based vegan frankfurters.
Refrigerate after opening.